The EU

Google says the EU requires a notice of cookie use (by Google) and says they have posted a notice. I don't see it. If cookies bother you, go elsewhere. If the EU bothers you, emigrate. If you live outside the EU, don't go there.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

We Will Defend You, Really

For John, BLUFWe have a lot of treaty commitments out there.  Nothing to see here; just move along.

Professor Stephen Walt writes in Foreign Policy about the question of The Credibility Addiction.  Professor Walt, at Harvard, is a somewhat controversial commenter.  His article has as a sub-headline "The United States can’t stop fighting other countries’ wars — and its allies are acting like enablers."

Do we have to fight so that our friends and enemies will know that we will fight in the future?

How does Japan know that they can count on us, on our nuclear umbrella, so they don't have to have their own nuclear deterrent?  Because we back up our treat obligations with military force?  So what should we do?

Regards  —  Cliff

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